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Ticketing and Cashless Payment

Ticketing Processes

Ticket sales can be supported by various ticket media. Paper tickets can be used - also with barcodes, public transport own media (smart cards, ultralight) or bank cards (ID-based solution).

Cashless Payment Processes

The usual debit or credit cards from Mastercard or VISA, for example, are supported, where both are possible an offline transaction (MTT / Pay as you Go) or the online authorization.

All processes can be managed and monitored very clearly via our fully integrated back office system SMARTPOS™. Different sales channels such as vehicle sales or kiosk systems can be assigned to different ticket media (paper, barcode, smart card, bank card) or payment methods (cash, cashless). The validity of a ticket, whether paper with a barcode or electronically on a smart card or bank card, can be checked fully automatically in the vehicle at the validator, which secures income and relieves the driver personal. In the case of a bank card as the ticket medium, this can be done as part of an ID-based solution. All ticketing and payment processes are fed into a common, integrated billing system.


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