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Ticketing / Automatic Fare Collection (AFC)

Our fare collection application covers different media like paper tickets, smart card based tickets or bar-code tickets, which can be adapted to the public transport operator specific requirements.

Paper, smart card or barcode tickets can be sold based on different tariff models, such as flat-fare, line-related, distance-related or zone-based tariff models. We can operate several tariffs at the same time like local, suburban or national tariffs. We enable different ticket types like single tickets, multi-ride tickets or time-based weekly, monthly or yearly pass tickets and several passenger groups like adults, children, students or seniors.

We also issue and check smart card based tickets, based on different international or local standards. Possible are single tickets, multi-ride tickets, passes, stored value, pre-paid or post-paid schemas (Account based ticketing ABT), for both personalized and anonymous ticket media. A further possibility consists in processing barcode tickets on paper or mobile phones also.

Different smart card technologies can be used as for example Mifare Ultralight, Mifare Classic, Mifare Desfire or other micro-processor based smart cards. To ensure security, we work with Secure Access Modules (SAM) or our own, self-developed, high-security procedures, based on over twenty years experience with smart cards in public transport.

Various functions support the sales staff. We provide a ticket basket with change calculation. Already sold ticket can be cancelled within a configurable time. There are sales person individual shift accounts with printed shift end reports included.

Tickets can be checked automatically, at the staff-operated ticketing machine or the passenger-operated validator. Different validity characteristics can be processed automatically up to the use of so called hot-lists or white-lists. Furthermore smart card processing rules are possible for automatic update of smart card products like for example auto-load.

The ticket definitions including several tariff characteristics including the paper ticket or smart card layouts and smart card definitions are managed by our back offices system and then transferred to the front-end devices. All ticket sales, ticket extensions, ticket registrations or staff shifts transactions are transferred from the front-end devices to our back offices system, where these transactions can be processed, evaluated or passed to third party systems.


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